Tuesday, 29 March 2016

I'm a Nice Guy

This Easter holiday we were told we had to do something nice.
I  wasn't really thinking about it but I accidentally did something nice. On Good Friday we went around all the family's houses giving out Easter eggs. When we got to the last house we went in we talked for an hour and a half just like the others. But just as we were about to leave the rugby was turned on and  my Dad was pulled in. just as he was about to sit down I whispered in his ear
"Shouldn't we leave."
So I didn't make a commotion like I sometimes do.

Monday, 21 March 2016

EOTC week

How high I was when I decided to stop.

EOTC week was extremely fun and I was right to be so excited. 
The most challenging thing I did was crate stack. Crate stack is when you're on a harness and you have to stack milk crates really high while standing on the top crate. You lose when  you fall off the crates or if the crates fall down. That's when the harness comes in. Another person in your group holding the harness and tightening it whenever ,you  take a step up. When you fall off it stops you falling and you are gently lowered to the ground. I only made 6 boxes.
I found swimming the easiest.(you can probably tell why.)
My favorite moment was the capital E on TV. I was the location director. My job was to direct and manage all the interviews and, since my camera man had a injured leg, manage the location camera. I spent the first 50 minutes showing the interviewers/interviewees a video and giving them tips. Then it was show time. I spent the next half hour rising and dropping my arm to tell my actors when to start.
  Thank you

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

EOTC week next week


Welcome back to My Blog. EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom) week is next week and I'm excited. On Monday we will be walking up mount Kau Kau, on tuesday we will be going to Capital E and making TV show on their on TV studio (I'm going to be location director), on Wednesday we'll be going to pataka gallarie and the pool, On thursday we'll be going to camp kaitoki were we'll be doing lots of cool stuff. on friday we'll be going to ASB sports centre. I'm really excited and I can't wait for monday.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Welcome back to Adams blog. Our class has been using a website called Duolingo to learn spanish and I quite like it. It's not just spanish you can learn on Duolingo, there are around twenty different languages you can learn. The way Duolingo works is like this there are around 30 different topics, each topic with about 4 lessons in it ranges right from the basics to the extremely hard stuff. You can follow your friends, see if you're better than them. There is a chat page so you can talk about the language you're learning. My experience with Duolingo has been Quite good. I've done 4 topics and are 4% fluent and I am following 3 people and 3 people are following me.